Friday, 7 October 2011

T.V Funding

          There are many types of ways in which funding can take place in TV industry; if you were a public service broadcaster such as BBC you would make funding by the £145.50 license fee that every television owner pays yearly. Other ways in which public service broadcasters would make funding would be syndication, competitions & merchandising. Syndication is the sale of the right to broadcast radio shows and television shows by multiple radio stations and television stations, without going through a broadcast network. Some programmes have competitions that are hosted at the end of the programme usually this makes them money buy the public phoning in to win a prize. These phone calls are always much more expensive. Public Service Broadcasters also make a lot of funding by merchandising which is when they sell products to a retail consumer. Commercial broadcasters make their money in the same ways as Public Service broadcasters except they do not consume any of the license fee which is paid by the public an example of a commercial broadcaster would be ITV. ITV is commercially funded and BBC are publically funded, some channels such as channel 4 use both of these funding methods to gain funds to keep their channel up and running.
          There are many television companies that receive their funding by subscriptions; this is when their customers pay a monthly subscription to be able to watch the list of channels that they broadcast. Most subscriber based funded companies have channels that are not included in the standard payment that customers have to pay more for an example of one of these channels would be ESPN, subscriber based companies also make money from advertising, competitions and merchandise as well. Sky and Virgin would be examples of subscription funded companies.

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